Tuesday 24 November 2015

Reading week

Last week was reading week. Some of the children from third class came to our class to read to the junior infants. Some of the children had brothers, sisters, cousins and neighbours reading to them. All of the children enjoyed reading together.

Zara and her sister Jasmine.
Abigail and her brother Nathan.
Kyle and his cousin Leah.

Thursday 12 November 2015

November's theme: Homes

This month our theme is homes.

We are learning about different types of houses, rooms of the house and family members. We are also learning about builders and their tools. We are building houses, castles, roads, towers, and anything else we can imagine. We will be working around this theme all month but here are some of the things we have done already!

The children made houses out of waste materials. This is called junk-art. This type of activity helps to develop a child's imagination. They also learn and practise basic skills such as cutting, gluing, using sellotape and interacting with other children. It's also a great way to use up some household waste!!

 The children made various structures from blocks and Lego. Some of the children planned what they would make first by drawing a picture of their idea. This helps to develop imagination, cognitive thinking, fine-motor skills and working with others.

The children played pretend builders. They played with various toy tools such as a hammer, saw, screwdriver, spanner and wrench. Some of the children drew pictures of what they were working on on the blackboard or wrote down their plans in a copybook. This activity helps the children to develop social skills such as sharing, solving problems and working together.

The children played in the home corner. They assigned different areas for the kitchen, sitting room and bedrooms. The children worked together to cook dinner, make tea and look after the babies. They also made phone calls to each other. This activity is important for developing social skills, imagination and language.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Sam Maguire cup

Today some Dublin football players came to our school. They brought three trophies to show us. One of them is called the Sam Maguire cup. We shouted "Up the Dubs" and asked the Dublin players questions about their trophies. It was a great day!