Tuesday 12 April 2016

January's theme: Transport

Transport and travel

Our theme for January is transport and travel.

We have been learning all about different ways to travel. We have been talking about different types of holiday. We are making cars, buses, boats, airplanes, helicopters, motorbikes, bicycles and any other vehicles we can think of. We will be working around this theme all month but here are some of the things we have done already!

The children played pretend airport. They took on the roles of passenger, pilot, air steward/stewardess, security officer and check-in assistant. Children were encouraged to assign these roles themselves and work through any issues that arose (with some support from teacher if necessary). This helped to teach them compromise and conflict resolution.

The children went camping. They played in the camper-van, drove to the camp-site and had a barbecue before snuggling up in their sleeping bags.


We learned all about different ways to travel. The children learned the names of these vehicles: car, bus, train, airplane, helicopter, taxi, boat, ship, bicycle, motorbike. The children made some of these vehicles from Mobilo.

 We were learning about animals from different places. The children worked together to make homes for the animals using blocks and Sticklebricks.

We talked about roads and road safety. The children made little towns by drawing roads on a large sheet of paper and adding buildings made from blocks.

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